Calm before the storm

Much warmer and lots of sunshine today, tomorrow's forecast is very different.
The yellow crab apples in the Health Walk park looked great against the blue sky. I needed the walk as the shopping earlier was a bit stressful, not enough checkouts open and the ones that were had operators who were very slow so I went to the self-checkout. This was not a good move, there wasn't really enough room for my bags and I kept getting error messages and having to return things to the trolley (I was getting rather annoyed and returned the chopped onions rather too hard and ended up with a burst bag and some on the floor). I keyed in the wrong thing once and the supervisor refused to believe me and cancelled it with very little grace (and discovered I was right), the rest of the time she ignored the problems. Then I discovered I didn't have my card, but fortunately I had enough cash.
Cafe was fine, quite busy and a few special orders, and once home and cleared up I decided to see how the knee would be on a gentle cycle and, if okay, have a short, slow run. The knee was fine cycling but wasn't too keen on the running so I hope the physio exercises work.
I've got some minutes to write up soon, I can't prevaricate much longer.

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