go Mono!

Strava Day 486. Indoor yoga and reading done. It is now drizzling and am hearing thunder and faint lightning strikes. Most probably, Gramps would not be able on his routine distance cycling and I'll not be able to begin collecting miles for this month's walk distance challenge but if the weather turns around, will make sure to get steps in.
Yesterday was Casual Friday (no uniform) at T's school. They were also half-day. Here are snippets of conversations with him:

T: Today is the day am getting Bobux!
P: Why?
T: Because I deserve it!
P: (Said a lot in reply but the point that I was trying to make was, it would be difficult to sustain if everytime he gets excellent marks in school he will demand a reward.)
T: What is the thing that flies without wings and cries without eyes?
P: ...
T: A cloud!
P: Am so happy am not famous and that I can still take street photos without someone suddenly asking for a selfie.
T: Mr. Beast is ok with being famous. He has real friends and he is happy.
P: Please don't believe everything you watch on Tiktok or Youtube.
T: Am a kid! I know what real happy is.
P: (It was late and no longer had the energy to argue so I said, "If you say so.)
Featured photo is a memory of the time B and I splurged on a sugary drink, B's flask that T brings to school, one of my favorite mugs and B's "Nescafe" mug. It is shot on mobile converted to black and white for Vero's #GoMono photography prompt/challenge.
Here's to you persevering despite odds. Have a good one!

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