Feet Up

Yes, the more interesting stuff…

This morning I did my first Parkrun. 5km in 36:33 (wind assisted - last night’s beans). It is not a race, but I was 103 out of 129. Top 20 next week, now I know the course and the competition…

Most of the rest of the day has involved my brain trying to persuade my legs to do what is required of them. I suspect tomorrow I will be hunting down the contact number for the acupuncturist or physiotherapist. 

I was expecting to go to see the local rugby team play this afternoon, but it was postponed. Covid, probably. 

I was half tempted to go to an ice hockey game tonight but with 1 in 45 estimated to have Covid (in Scotland - the rest of the UK is doing much better) a crowded indoor space for 2.5 hours did not seem like a smart move. 

I have an appointment on Monday to get my vaccine booster, so my protection level will be rock bottom at the moment. 

As I was lurching from the Parkrun finish line towards my car, I discovered the park's greasy burger van was open. But... I had not brought any money. Perhaps by Blipping it I will remember to bring some next week.  

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