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Felt very honoured to be invited to Delfina and Andrelino's grandson's first birthday, as we were to their granddaughter's first three years ago. A lot of the same people, and an equal amount of good food and drink, including Delfina's brother's homemade wine and grape spirit, both excellent. Maybe it's an effect of the pandemic, but five hours of socialising and I feel exhausted!

Especially on top of this morning, when we walked into the market, and ended up talking for ages to an English/Portuguese couple, who are seriously considering moving here. Plus, of course, everyone else we talked to.

- making a LOT of pesto with the basil I picked the other day, not sure what I'll do with it all, though...
- getting all but one thing done on my list for today, and that one can wait
- Mike getting our extra three solar panels up on the rotating frame he's made, and working

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