... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Garden: Water Off A Duck's Back

Less troubled in large

Ida's fine, but yesterday was almost a very dark day: a fox grabbed her just before 7AM, and it took me most of yesterday both to calm down and to reassure myself that she's really OK...
It happened so quickly: the others were in the paddling pool, and a shaking rose bush was all that warned me of the fox's imminent snatch. I saw it dart out and try to get a good hold of Ida, so I was up and running over, anticipating seeing just the tail of the fox heading over the fence with my last sight of Ida; it ran to the back of the garden with Ida but jumped over the fence without her... She was left flapping in the flax, and flapped from my hands when I carried her away. I thought she was injured because she was so unsteady and then became so inactive, but she normalised as the day progressed, and today she seems just the same as usual. There was no blood, but she lost a few feathers and seemed reluctant to flap, but today she's showing no sign of injury or pain.

Others here (or right from Cheeky Koi)
p.s. I've just back blipped a museum pic. for yesterday's entry - Im and I went out in the afternoon to meet up with her friends.

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