Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


I had great plans to take a smashing photo on the beach @ Bray. You know, with

an amazing aperture
A stupendous shutter speed
An ideal ISO (whatever that is)
A fantastic filter
A luscious lens

But unfortunately I woke up with a sore throat, a dry cough and a dribbly nose. (Non Covid)

So I have stayed around the diggings all day. Lazed on the couch; read some mags and as you can see, have polished off 4 portfolios. Those other 2 are in serious danger.

Hi to all blippers, you happy bunch. Thank you for the nice comments (I love the comments better than anything else). And thank you to the decent people who keep the cogs turning.

You’ll have to just do with my tootsies.

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