Traffic Lights

Who forgot to blip today?!  Tony pointed out the attractive looking moon (sadly no northern lights over Bradford!) but by the time I had wrangled my big lens and the tripod in the back bedroom, it had gone behind a cloud, so it had to be the village traffic far below us.

Today I have been up and down to the loft, locating Becky's '1000 books to read before you die' which are in several boxes.  After many years of moving houses and countries, she is finally going to get some bookcases and has requested her books.  I think the bedroom ceiling breathed a sigh of relief as the boxes came down.  In tandem with this, I decided to cull the children's books and advertised them on our neighbourhood WhatsApp.  Neighbour Edd came round to choose half a dozen and we had an interesting conversation about book content.  I had taken out one book because, believe it or not, it had a smoking slug on the cover! Edd pointed out another one he knew which told the tale of  two mice who were unhappy with their body shape and what they did to lose/gain weight!  Any more books will go out of the door with a pc warning.  Most of these books are 35+ years old and, although most are still relevant, others haven't kept in touch with the times and need to go.  

In between going up and down the stepladder, I kept in touch with the Long distance race at the World Cup in Davros.  Our British orienteers had a better day to day in the gruelling alpine forest but it was the Swiss who won the day.

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