Bath Botanical Gardens

A lovely walk with a friend I used to work with. These gardens are really special in all seasons. Today we saw trees with lovely autumn reds and oranges, and these autumn crocuses ( which are nearly as big as my hand!). But still lots of summery flowers too, especially roses but also echinacea, salvias, penstemon, anemones - and there were a few flowers on one of the magnolia trees, which was confusing. 
We enjoyed wandering around, then sat outside in the sunshine  at the cafe, talking over a problem. My friend does not own her home, after being shafted by her ex in their divorce. It’s really insecure renting in your late 60s. She’s about to lose her current place.  Ideally she should have a housing association flat, so she has some security, but she is the least pushy person I know, and won’t fight to get one. I do worry about her, imagine being homeless as you near 70.  

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