Enough is enough

Bristol joins over 50 other cities in the UK, as thousands of people attend a rally and march, with the theme Enough is Enough. The event was very positive and well organised, starting with a rally in the square behind the station, where speakers encouraged us that we can make a difference - by talking with our friends, neighbours, family and workmates —which I appreciated, as I have felt so disheartened of late. It was a broad-based day of action, which included these issues:
- the rail workers strike, fracking, energy costs, tax cuts for the rich, the housing problems faced by renters, food poverty, the barristers strike, the postal workers strike, the university teachers strike, global warming and the threat to the planet, and probably some other things too.
From the square we went to Ovo HQ - a Bristol- based energy company, whose millionaire CEO distinguished himself recently by suggesting people could cuddle their pets, or do starjumps, if their homes were cold. Then we walked the short distance to the RMT & ASLEF picket line at the station, followed by  a walk of a few hundred yards around Temple Gate - see extra - to the CWU picket line at the sorting office. It was noticeable that most of the car/bus/lorry drivers who were held up for a while, were beeping their support and applauding the march. It really feels like something might be starting. 
Two other points - it’s frustrating on a march that you can’t  really show the huge numbers attending; I think you would need an aerial shot. 
And secondly, I’m aware some people feel annoyed when the people who provide a service we want to use are on strike. But I was reminded of something I already knew, really.  Which is that the only power working people have is to join together in a union, and to strike as a last resort.  All other power lies elsewhere. 

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