
By soozsnapz

Another day in Wiltshire

I met my friend from Bournemouth at a spot just west of Salisbury. It’s denoted an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and there’s several walking routes - ours began in a village called Combe Bissett. We had pretty grey skies for most of the walk - that blue sky with an interesting cloud was right at the end, as we were leaving. We saw lots of hawthorn trees with masses of red berries - and lichen too.  I wonder whether birds don’t like hawthorn berries? As they weren’t eating them. The cheerful yellow flower is a hawkbit. We also saw a lot of yellow ivy flowers, alive with masses of  buzzing bees. The 4th part shows a view across the valley - really different countryside from the Marlborough downs two days ago. In this one the sun and rain are having a fight. 

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