Didim and friends

What a glorious hot sunny day - and what an interesting one too!  This morning, Bev and I went to Iqbal's bar in Didim and for the next few hours helped out at one of the stalls at the fund raising event organized by CoDA. By 2pm we (the whole group) had raised a splendid amount from tomobola, raffles, and sales of second hand items. The whole event was officially supervised by someone from a Turkish group, and the money raised will be used for the local street dog/cat shelter.  

From Iqbal's we went, with Graham and Kat to Golf bar for a late lunch. After eating, Graham, Kat and I went to see the new(ish) outdoor amphitheater which was completed this summer and were amazed by the whole development which includes a terraced park leading down to the beach where many people were enjoying picnics and playing on this wonderful day - what a great addition to local amenities. From there we went up to the temple ruins and had a drink in one of the local cafe bars before finally going home for a beer in the  early evening sunshine in the garden with Viv and then on Graham and Kat's new balcony where we admired their new furniture before returning home for something to eat.

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