On the stage

Another part of yesterdays trip out resulted in this image. The leaves are last years  Viginia Creeper
The mushrooms, commonly known as fairy ring (Marasmias oreades). (They are very good to eat. Raymond Blanc was a customer of mine. He would regularly  buy 20-30kg @£15/kg. This was ten years ago as well)
 were picked on route. The cob nut also was picked up on route.
All three items were then put together on a table, in my conservatory (where light is good) using an angle poise lamp for additional light. I sprayed with water, in hindsight, i should have polarised. (the reflection is the conservatory roof The use of a polariser would have eliminated that. I was very fatigued at this point and my hands were shaking bad.. It was also past six pm. I had missed my afternoon rest, due to being out.
 I have printed this image, i will re- shoot today using a polariser
In extras revised addition polarised. forced to use different camera as dropped and broke polariser

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