Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

So, I did some research about the 'Epatraktor' I told you about in yesterdays blip and I'll tell you all about it. :)
This, however, is not such a 'car', although an 'Epatraktor' can be a remodelled car of any brand and the new name for it is an A-tractor. It comes with a strict set of rules. Some about the build itself, no backseat and a strict number of people allowed in the 'car'. 4 is much too many, that's for sure. It can't go faster than 30 km/h and the driver has to have a drivers license suitable for these kinds of vehicles, either a tractor drivers license or a special kind, in Swedish called: 'AM' - drivers license. The driver has to be 15 years, but can start training for the drivers license when being 14 years and 9 months.
Some people manage to 'trim' the 'car' (it's actually classed as a tractor) to go 45 km/h, but that can be punishable by law in some form with a fine and other things, such as a 'dot' on the drivers license making it more difficult to get a real one later on. 
I hope this makes it a bit more clear... :)

I thought I'd make a shopping trip around the center to buy some much needed food and since prices are up, there's a hunt for bargins going on... First I went to Dollar Store to buy some spray bottles and managed to get in the queue behind an older man who didn't really think things through... he wanted to have two receipts on what he was buying, he had two piles of things, and instead of placing one of those 'next customer' thingies on the conveyer belt, he left the other stuff in the basket. Then he forgot to buy a plastic bag, when the first load was payed and started to fiddle with that. Finally when he had placed the rest of his stuff on the conveyer belt and two more plastic bags, he thought he'd get the first plastic bag for free (with the first things he paid for in)... but, the cashiers personell was on to him and he had to pay for all three of the plastic bags. Then he started to discuss the price on some paper plates which didn't have the same price in the cashier, that he said was on the shelf in the store and he didn't want those so the cashier personell had to remove them from the receipt... I think I waited for 10 minutes for him to be finished with everything... 
In the next store, another supermarket, I only bought 3 items and on my way to pay in one of those self service things, I was told by the machine that I had to wait for personell to come and do one of those random checks. No one in sight and the cashier personell who was working on the conveyers belt (I'm sure there's a better word for it...) had her back turned and didn't see. Finally I asked her if any of her coworkers had seen this? and posted at the red light. She told me she'd call someone. For such a large store, they never have personell close by the self service desk, so if there's a problem you'll always have to wait. Waiting was apparently 'on the list' for me to do today. 
On to the next supermarket (my usual one) and with an abrasion starting on one of my heels, I just wanted to get home as quick as. No problems in that store, just smooth sailing and found what I wanted and home I went. 
Now there's time for lunch. Still headache all over my head, but medicin is on it's way so hopefully I can refill my iron levels tomorrow and, hopefully, get rid of this headache. 

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