Retaining wall

Finished my first week back at work after six weeks off. Although I have managed well enough, it has been more tiring than I expected.

Consequently, I chose to look for a photo within our property. I was atken with the barely functional retaining wall, made many uears ago using Ponga trunks. Many of them are at least partly broken down. We will be replacing the retaining wall as part of the renovations likely to be started next year.

I took a local free weekly newspaper from the letterbox this evening. In this was an article written by a young woman who was the co-ordinator of one of the first student strikes calling for climate change action by the Government. She wrote this because she had heard of the experience of this year's co-ordinator. Apparently the 16 year old schoolgirl was attacked by an interviewer, because she went with her family on holiday to Fiji. The writer of this article shared her experiences from three or four years ago. She was derided, sexually threatened, and more. By adult men. Who clearly were offended that a young woman could do to lead such a protest. But even to think of what she reports they said to her is beyond comprehension.

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