Wednesday Afternoon

Went to work, worked, went back home.
Shot this before going home.

A day of the usuals.  Or not?
-- According to the employment agency, the possibility that my contract will be extended is about 95%.  This still needs to be officially confirmed.
-- According to the national accreditation committees, 'my' university is the top university in the field where I work.
Even without these bits of news, though, I had a good day.

Some very late mail from the Viking, and a wee-hours-in-the-night talk with Mimi.  She and the Viking are meeting on Monday morning MNL time, and I will ZOOM along with them, another session in the wee hours.  In the meantime, while the
20 October hearing has been postponed due to a mandatory seminar the judge needs to attend, she has granted our petition to cross-examine Jay under oath.

Good hunting weather tomorrow.  Will check where I can go.

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