Milton Avery

A brisk walk to the surgery for my annual medical review. BP good for a change but referred to GP tomorrow.

Back down to the Jubilee Hall (which some people now call The Jube) for the U3A Art Appreciation group. It used to be in someone’s house but it’s better in the Cheviot room and Ros did an interesting presentation on Milton Avery (1885-1965). Nobody, including Ros herself, had heard of him till we found out there was a retrospect at the Royal Academy. He is one of the most prestigious USA colourists. He was supported all his life by his wife, painting a large body of work, but wasn’t successful in his lifetime. I find that so sad. He painted large still life and landscape, and seemed to be influenced by several different painters. I wasn’t so keen on the landscapes but admired some of the colour combinations he used in his later works.

Scottish Power installed a Smart meter today so we’ll can keep track of expenditure and usage of electricity. We’ll be saving on that tonight as we are going to Linda and Colin’s to eat. She’s a wonderful cook and they are always interesting to converse with.

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