Groyne 4

It was a beautiful sunrise at Porty this morning which compensated hugely for getting up and out in the dark.
It was windy and the tide was out, but the water was still warm enough not to have that initial involuntary intake of breath that happens when the sea is really cold.

SooB, Magpie and I had a good get together last night - Hear no evil , See no evil, Speak no evil , the name of the game. SooB and I had eaten our fill at Nan Yang with enough left over for two doggy bags one of which was gifted to Magpie when she arrived for the wine- no gin and tonic this time.

A friend left 6 huge windfall apples at my back door yesterday and I put three to good use today with onion, butternut squash and sweet potato to make a spicy soup.- enough to do me for several days. I haven’t done as much chopping for ages.

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