The Morning Sniff

Bit of an EB today (Emergency Biskit).  Two pleasant walks with the hound, but not good in-between.
Had a routine generator run today, only to find that between the last run (about four weeks ago) and now we had sprung a leak and lost 25 ltrs of diesel (nicely soaked away between the paviours in the shed).  Local garage could not take it on, and quite frankly a job I would have laughed at four or five years ago BUT . . .  
On top of that the starter solenoid has packed up and I failed to be able to get a replacement, so I (we – I got permission) have ordered a replacement.  I have spent double what I had in mind, but I’ve gone for an LPG jobby of the same power as the last one (5kw).  Cheaper to run and a lot cleaner.
So this least bad of a very bad bunch for today’s blip.  I did get some nice profiles just before I took the hound home, but the baby camera had decided to focus on the carpet – NOT Biskit!  Not obvious until I developed the photos

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