a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Hey, a Girl's gotta eat!

I do apologise if this is a bit too gruesome for some of you, but it was such a perfect moment I couldn't resist.

As you can see, that's one less wasp to worry about!

We spent yesterday at A&E at our local hospital having been told I needed to go there in the morning.  It's not a great place to spend the day, but I take my hat off to the staff who work in a high stress, inadequately funded organisation and definitely deserve a pay rise.  They were never less than courteous and pleasant although I would have preferred to spend less time with them.

While there we saw all sorts, there was the young chap (perhaps in his 30s) who came in not feeling terribly well admitting that he'd had a bit of a big night out and admitted to having had 30 units of alcohol (now that's a big night!).  There was the petrol forecourt attendant at a major supermarket chain who was electrocuted by a switch (you have to worry about inadequate electrical testing in that environment?!).  And sadly, there were lots of little old ladies who'd had falls or were confused.  One in particular ended up being admitted, despite saying that she wanted to go home, she kept her coat on, refused to lie on the trolley, and tried to sidle towards an exit when the nurses left her alone.  She never made it, as she was far too confused to be able to find her way out of the A&E department. I expect she's even now working on a tunnel ....

I was finally seen by the appropriate doctor at about 1am who was able to access Wednesday's CT scan.  The good news is that the scan only shows the "right" sort of cysts on my liver, so I was able to come home again.  The not quite such good news is that there are rather a lot of them, and some of them are quite big.  In essence it looks as though my liver has launched a takeover bid for all the space in my abdominal cavity.  (Just joking here folks).

Its the same genetic disorder that affects my kidneys, not the result of too much fine living I hasten to add - and my liver should continue to function despite it.  I just have to learn to live with, well, what shall we call it, - let us just say the discomfort.  In the short term I have some rather excellent codeine tablets to help with that unwanted side effect when required, so a night's sleep should not be too much of a problem.

There is no surgical solution to all of this, so I just have to hope that things settle down again so that I can go back to a slightly more active existence. I'll be trying not to mention this stuff again, all being well, but many thanks indeed for your kind wishes and support which meant a lot.

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