BCAM2022 Day 8

Bruce was round today to get some of our garden border plants. He helped us get started on some major pruning of the agave plants. He took some of those too!

We all worked on the garden for the rest of the day, tidying up as I’m having some friends over for a pink afternoon tea on Monday and I wanted the patio area just right :).

After having spent time with Scottish Janice yesterday, I was inspired to watch Braveheart. So the four of us settled into the media room with our dinner and the nearly three hour movie. I was pleased that I did remember a lot of it from when we first watched it, and thankfully Jon and Ben enjoyed it too. And by the end of 3 hrs of listening to Scottish accents, we were all speaking Scottish till we went to bed ;-).

I also made these pink ribbon chocolates to put on cupcakes for the pink afternoon tea next week. Quite pleased with them, I am!

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