Where's my cake?

A beautiful, warm, sunny Autumn day today.  It got off to a bit of an unusual start in as much as I got up around 5:30am so that I could watch the live F1 Grand Prix from Japan, which started at 6am.  It was raining there but they started the race regardless and, unsurprisingly, there were a number of crashes. The race was stopped after less than two laps for safety reasons.  One hour later it still wasn't clear whether it would go ahead or not as it was still raining.  I'd dozed off on the sofa by then and M suggested that I return to bed for a couple of hours (I'd not had a very good night's sleep).  So, I did and got up later to find it had gone ahead.  (Fortunately, I was able to watch the race highlights on Channel 4 after lunch).

B had texted me to invite me for a walk to Holt Country Park, so inspired by the sunshine and a cup of coffee from Hetty's Tea Room, we did just that and very pleasant it was too.

This little robin seems to  hang around the cafe tables looking for titbits and always turns up when we sit down with our drinks.

The walk really perked me up after a sleepy start to the day.

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