On The Way To...

.. Red.

At last, my garden is slowly catching up with the brilliant colours that surround it...My neighbours' trees on all sides are dressed in vibrant oranges, reds and golds...and actually glow in the morning and evening sun... and have been like that for a few days now. Meanwhile, I anxiously await the reddening of my burning bushes and Virginia Creeper to add to the show... and I can see that it won't be long now...

There still is actually quite a bit of colour left in the garden..some hydrangeas, Rose of Sharon and black-eyed Susans., as well as all the pots of annuals..but it is those beautiful reds that just light up the place. 

Other than prowling around the garden taking photos, the highlight of my day was getting a much-needed hair cut... (it takes so little to amuse me) followed by a delightful afternoon watching the entire Season 3 of Derry Girls..yes..the entire season...in one sitting...it was just one of those days...cold, dreary and a bit wet.. I couldn't help myself... and the laughs were worth it.

Many steps, though, will need to be counted tomorrow..

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