Filtered Light...

...on a very large old California live oak. We have no idea what was wrong with Spike last night but he kept us up all night scratching at all the available rugs. In the middle of the night one imagines the worst, but by morning as we groggily stumbled out of bed Spike seemed just fine and we could only think that he had been looking for his new Kong. We kept taking him outside because we didn't know what else to do, tip-toeing past Lindsay's window so we wouldn't wake her up. We laughed this morning at the fact that Spike's attitude was more like, 'well, this is weird, but I might as well go along with it....'

Lindsay left fairly early this morning because she had to get her zip car back to Oakland within 24 hours. But not before sharing some pretty happy news with us.

It was very foggy and cold and hard to get going this morning but we decided that a good walk would do us all good and we needed to go to Sebastopol Hardware where I just knew there would be half pint jars. There was a whole row of them in all sizes and shapes and they have a better kitchenware section than Sur la Table, so I lingered there looking at cast iron pans, Le Creuset dutch ovens, all manner of shredders and slicers, dish towels, table linens, pot holders and baking pans to name but a few. 

Meanwhile, John found a sturdy strap for securing large rocks to his dolly. 

That done, we took Spike to Ragle Ranch, a walk we did often with Ozzie when we spent our weekends in Sebastopol. The sun had come out, the weather was perfect and Spike behaved beautifully, showing passing interest in the dogs we passed but not going ballistic and yanking John's arm out of its socket. We enjoyed a rather pretty walk which we haven't done in a long time, although we didn't let spike through the hole in the hedge with a path down to the creek where Ozzie liked to swim because the water was still and a florescent shade of green!

This afternoon we changed half the lightbulbs, and decided to replace the rest in lesser used rooms as they burn out. Lindsay says that once one in a room goes out, the rest tend to follow. I took a couple of days away from the quilt in order to get rid of the cobwebs festooning the ceiling and the spiders which were lurking in corners and under furniture. We're going to Jim and Dana's for Sunday supper, but I suspect it will be an even earlier night than usual....

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