a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Sipping from the cup

Tiny Tuesday: Sipping from the cup

The promised ground frost duly arrived this morning, but the early morning sunshine soon warmed things up and a rather pleasant day has followed.

I somehow managed to exhaust the batteries in my macro flash system without having spares in stock.  Fortunately Amazon have just delivered more but I ended up needing to use a telephoto lens for my Tiny Tuesday shot of this carder bee enjoying the verbena.  What a wonderfully long tongue they have :-) 

While I'm on the subject of Tiny Tuesday,  I just wanted to say thanks to Jill (JDO) for hosting the challenge this month.

While I was out in the garden looking for insects my attention was drawn to the sky where 3 buzzards were mewing and wheeling in the thermals.  They were too far away for a shot, but as I was looking up I noticed that the local corvids were going berserk chasing something on mass.  It soon became clear that it was actually a hobby hawk and I managed a couple of shots of it with the lens on the camera.  I've added one as an extra, its a heavy crop, so its not a shot I'm particularly proud off but I don't think that I've ever seen a hobby fly over the garden before now.  I really needed the 800mm lens given the distances involved, but the chase didn't take long and sure enough the hawk escaped and things pretty quickly settled back to normal.

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