The plan

I had things planned for this afternoon but, thanks to a conversation with the estate agent, didn't actually do any of them!

We went away last week under the impression that on Thursday the estate agent would be showing someone round our flat. We'd heard nothing to the contrary and assumed that the viewing had gone ahead. It hadn't - apparently the viewing has been postponed until the interested party, an artist, can be certain that she would be able to use the workshop as a studio open to the public. Nothing in the lease to indicate that she couldn't. Did I know if permission had been granted for change of use in the past? No! To cut a long story short, I spent much of the afternoon wading through old papers and came across a paragraph in a search document regarding planning application in 1988, which led to an internet search. Which led to this interesting old plan in the Council archives. 

The clothing shop - ladies and gents departments - is now the RSPCA shop under our flat, and the 'proposed off license' and 'proposed craft studio' are our present workshop. Apparently the person applying for planning permission wanted to sell 'whisky miniatures' from the off license. The application was approved, but never realised...

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