Still Bloooming

Spent all morning reading (I’m belting my way through three David Black books, WW2 submariner tales) and all afternoon at the allotment where Jo has decided to get rid of the brambles and I’ve decided to just move them instead. Not that straightforward to move them though; today I weeded half of the small veggie bed, set up the burning cage, filled it with all the rubbish collected so far for burning, cut back all the old bramble runners, chopped them and added them to the cage, decided that was enough for today. Next I have to dig out a new bed next to the boundary fence, prepare it for planting, then dig up and move the three brambles. S has offered to help with that last task, it’ll be needed I think!
There’s ongoing plant confusion with the weather by the way and at the moment there’re strawberries setting (have never had that in October) while the Spring hyacinths are starting to show. Everything’s going bonkers but I’m happy there are some late blooming sunflowers edging the asparagus bed to brighten things up.

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