Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Calla Lily

It isn't often I get around to finding a shot in the morning. I was just noticing how sunny it was when I saw a tall new leaf on our Zantedeschia. I'd brought it in ahead of this morning's frost and the sun was shining through it. I did manage to get rid of some of the whiteflies before this shot was taken.

I showed The Man the shots on the LCD, Having watched me taking the shots and asked how I got the black background. I had a good story!

"Well, when we were cleaning the lodge on Saturday, I brought one of the throws home off the bed. I thought if I washed it, it would look very dark on the washing line, and if I just happened to see something to photograph it would make a good background to save me opening up the home studio!" Yeah! Sure!

Joking aside, I did move into a position where the bed throw outside was lined up with the plant in the window inside.

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