
By NightOwl45

Friday, lunch, rest, repeat!

Resting today after a very long and busy day yesterday. Feeling tired but not in as much pain as I’d expected to to be in.

Today, I’ve rested, caught up with Rosie via text, caught up with Blip comments and made lunch - dippy boiled eggs and wonky soldiers! (today’s Blip).

I’m looking forward to watching the series/season finale of Bad Sisters on Apple TV this evening. I’ve really enjoyed it, if you haven’t watched it, I highly recommend it.

I’ve done five German revision lessons on Duolingo to fend off the fibromyalgia brain fog - scored 97%. Getting rather addicted to Duolingo!

This weekend, I am planning a very quiet, restful one as feeling the need. 

Thanks for all your follows, stars, comments and hearts, they’re all very much appreciated.

Hope you’re all having a fantastic Friday and have an even better weekend :) xx

P.S. Do you think they should just fit revolving doors on No10 and No11 given today’s events?

P.P.S. I’ve christened my heat pad Chuma because Google tells me it’s an Aramaic name meaning “heat”! I thought something alliterative such as Henry or Harriet was too boringly obvious! :P

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