
By dunkyc

False profit

One of the many joys of living with anxiety is that many of us have to deal with imposter syndrome.

For me this manifests itself as a pervasive feeling of not being good enough and - particularly in the work environment - being “found out” at any moment before having to suffer the ignominy of being pilloried by my peers. 

Somewhat counter intuitively (and even though I don’t mean it, it still sticks in my craw) I would like to thank Liz Truss and the wider Tory party for their latest spectacular display of professional ineptitude. A bunch of highly - supposedly - educated people on high salaries operating in high society (presumably whilst high) in a committed performance of impersonating competence have in their opulence, somehow contrived to bring the country so very low.

Rushed fiscal policies have already been walked back and one of the persons responsible for it has been told to walk away. The other person responsible for it sits there before us, a guilty puppy looking up with eyes wide, begging for forgiveness whilst surrounded by the remnants of a sofa it just destroyed.

So, what to thank them for? It’s not for tanking the economy, brexshit, making us a laughing stock on the world stage and the continuing balls-out fuckwittery, but I would like to thank them for easing my professional competence fears. In the face of their naked avarice and ambition vastly outweighing any semblance of capability they may once have possessed, of late I have felt borderline competent at what I do. I might even go further and say: I am starting to feel that maybe, I am actually quite good at it and people seem to trust me in protecting their livelihoods.

I wouldn’t trust Truss with anything sharper than a wet sponge.

Whilst I am appreciative of their efforts, this can’t go on and the government can’t keep being crap just to make me feel better about myself, so I think it’s time that they moved on now and gave someone else a go (no, not me, definitely not me - I needed a walk at lunch and to stare at this tree for a little while, just to have a break from all the “excitement”). 

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