
By dunkyc

Sound like yourself

Having returned home from a very pleasant hour or so spent drinking a fine wine in good company, I found that The Eldest had taken over the front room and claimed it for herself.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was on the telly (again) and she was working on some art homework in a small A5 sketchbook, which had somehow led to the colonisation of the front room by a myriad of brushes and implements.

I had a look through some of her work and – I don’t think I’m being entirely biased here – was really impressed with what I saw. She’s very good at replicating parts of the work of others, as seen here (reproduced with her kind permission) in this picture she’s made of Peter Pan, which is lifted from a piece by Mabel Lucie Atwell.

With her aptitude for the creative and her love of English literature (she really does represent the best of her mother and I), I suggested that she create a graphic novel and we very quickly lost a lot of time going through my small collection of comics and graphic novels. 

I hope she keeps on with the artwork, as I would be very interested to see if she can evolve and develop her own style. No rush though and as Miles Davis once said “Man, sometimes it takes you a long time to sound like yourself.”

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