False Impression

The blue sky of my Blip might suggest another lovely autumn day but it was not so.   My trip to the ball field was well timed as after arriving in a light shower, we had half an hour of sunshine for Meg and Bella to run off some energy.   The train passed through Rhydyronen just as we were heading back - I parked and leapt out to see it though.   By the time we were back in Tywyn, heavy showers were piling in off the sea.  They continued all afternoon with hail and thunder occasionally too.   The crocuses in the garden are looking rather sorry for themselves :-(

Otherwise, a day at home, mostly spent sitting down for a change.   A large parcel of crocus seed had arrived while I was out, they're for sharing with UK enthusiasts, the left overs from the EU exchange which we were unable to contribute to thanks to Brexit.  I spent the afternoon sorting them and preparing a list for sharing.  

In other news, I have sorted the problem of what to do with Bella while I work tomorrow by swapping with the young man who was due to work in the shop.   I can take Bella with me to the shop, a workable compromise.


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