The cure

...for jet lag may or may not be a 15-hour road trip, but that is what I tried today. It's the start of son D's fall break, so I headed up across the Potomac  into Maryland and Pennsylvania after that, and on into Ohio. The fall colors were beautiful, especially through the big hills east of the PA Turnpike tunnel. This shot is the best I could do, taken when traffic was stopped at a construction site for awhile. The trees a little later on, at higher elevations, looked like they'd been sponge-painted in different hues of orange and red and yellow and green. Hopefully it'll still be colorful next weekend when we take D. back to school. It felt amazing to have been flying over the Cascades and then, two days later, driving through the Adirondacks. 

D. and I headed back homeward after dinner at the dining hall, with the intention to stop when tired. He talked for three hours and then fell asleep, probably more tired than I, and I (still being on west-coast time) was fine to drive us all the way home in the dark. Wheels spinning!

Meanwhile W had worked a full day and then headed down to Charlottesville to bring I. home for the weekend. So we're all four home, which is terrific. :-)

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