Malaysian Leg

So last night was interesting! After stopping for a much needed beer after a day of walking and running round Singapore, I ended up staying for more than just the one.

Then day became night and I ended up having food there too. Walked back to the hotel around 9pm with the intention to rest then head to Raffles Hotel for a Singapore Sling only to wake up on top of the bed fuully clothed at 3:30am. Then got up fully at 8am. I had 11 hours sleep according to my Garmin app.

I suppose the much deprived sleep of the previous week was bound to catch up sooner or later.

Anyways, got up had breakfast and packed. Met my Filipino colleague and we caught a cab to the airport.

Enjoyed a lunch in the lounge before the 50 min flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Cab to hotel then dinner.

It seems we mostly ate today. Only just managing my 10K steps challenge.

Meeting tomorrow with customer before the 4hr flight to the Philippines.

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