Broughty Ferry

Today was my Mentor training at Grove Academy school in BF.  2.5 hours watching short videos and talks by the two fairly young ladies that run the mentor ship in Grove and Morgan in Dundee .  There was around 20 of from all walks of life.  

Next stage now is to be matched with a young person.

Was starved when got out so we went to Forgan’s for food.  Walked down this promenade which has all been rehashed since I was last there (which was ages ago), it’s all to do with flood defences.

Updates from the New Yorkers.  Their tickets to the afternoon baseball game was cancelled !  Laura said the excuse was that they weren’t in America (they were, they were there!).  Anyway, Cameron wanted to see a game and there was a single ticket in a great seat so he went in while the others went back and hired e:scooters in Central Park.  Cameron got the subway back after the game was finished he really enjoyed it.  I think the Yankees were beaten.

Evening was spent watching Monty Don and the. bettany Hughes make her way from Rome to Italy in some jaw dropping places.  Wouldn’t it be fabulous to get into the Uffizi on your own to gaze at Venus without all the hoi polloi around!!!  She visited the park where we went to escape the crowds (mostly Americans), across the Ponti Vecchio and in to the beautiful Boboli Gardens.  She had that to herself as well!!

Then she went to some beautiful accommodation that was 10k a night!  Oh to be a travel tv presenter!  This is a great show.

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