Farm Road Walk

I had a solo walk with Saffy this Thursday morning. What a beautiful autumn day it was.

Did some gardening in the afternoon and the. I had my call with the doc. The cholesterol is slightly up but my fears of a giant leap meaning statins was unfounded. Last year she asked me for my blood pressure (we have a machine) and I had did three days in a row to give her this time for her to work out my risk of a heart attack in the next 10 years. My blood pressure is always low averaging around 85to96 over 65to75 . My BMI is 24. So I’m under 10% risk of heart attack or stroke . She did ask if I ever got light headed, which sometimes happens but only tip for this was to drink more water.

The gang continue to have plenty sight seeing in NY. They were at the History Museum and going to a baseball game later on , which was cancelled to the next day as it was torrential rain!

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