
By NightOwl45

Simple Pleasures, Day 50 and a Month on Blip

Today marks my first month on Blip. In addition, it is also Day 50 of my learning streak revising my German skills on Duolingo.

It has been very wet, wild and windy here today. I have kept myself as warm as possible and had beans on toast with grated, melted cheese on top for my lunch (today’s Blip). One of life’s simple pleasures and a particular favourite comfort food of mine. Only downside, I hate grating cheese!

I’m not going to talk (too much) about politics today. I have some thoughts swirling around my head for a poem about Liz Truss’ government, I need to get them down onto paper.

I’ve never voted Tory in my life and never will but I have found myself wondering if Liz Truss would have been torn apart as much if she had been male but to be fair, her leadership so far has been nothing short of chaotic. 

I find it very interesting that she started out as a Liberal Democrat and switched political allegiance. I find it even more interesting that when asked during an interview if her parents would vote for her she said she thought her Mum would but she wasn’t sure about her Dad. Her parents are divorced and her Mum campaigned for the CND - both of her parents are liberals. Does our childhood shape us for life? 

Thank you for all the follows, comments and stars and for the positivity and encouragement throughout my first month on Blip. I genuinely appreciate it. I will catch up with comments later on - I never feel like I catch up but I try!

I hope you’ve all had a mellow Monday :) xx

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