Taal Volcano

Hectic day here in the Philippines.

Got picked up and experienced the Manila traffic. If you can drive in Manila you can drive anywhere in the world they reckon.

‘Find your place’ it’s called. If you see a space in the road….use it. Different culture indeed! Good job I had a local colleague.

Attended first meeting with our customer which was a mix of F2F and some joined online. It went very well indeed.

Then we went to visit a site and speak to our customer in operation which is always great.

Afterward we took a long drive out as my colleague wanted ti show me an active volcano. Taal erupted Jan 2020 after about 40 years dormant.

It still emits lots of activity. We had an authentic Filipino meal in a nearby restaurant that overlooked the volcano.

Back to the hotel late for a couple of much needed nightcaps before leaving for the airport tomorrow afternoon.

This has been a full on trip with a great mix of meeting customers, travel, culture, meeting wonderfully passionate colleagues and long walks and runs.

Looking forward to home tomorrow and see who missed me the most. MrsT, L or H :-)

Some extras included.

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