Ripening Lemons

We have a little bistro table and two chairs in our fire garden. We were sitting out there one evening after the lemon tree was moved there, noticed that there were still quite a lot of lemons on it and decided to pick them even though were completely green and some quite tiny. Our thought was that the tree had enough work to do to establish itself in a new place without having to use up a lot of energy trying to ripen fruit. I put them on the table while we finished our wine planning to put them in the compost. By the time I remembered them, I realized they were turning yellow on their own, so I left them there. I turned them a couple of times and they are now ready to come inside and into the fruit bowl....but not before I took a picture of them. It's a bit of a stretch, but as lemons go, some of these are pretty tiny....

I decided to join John in his Zoom pilates class this morning when lo and behold, Bob showed up.  His lovely wife Gail is in England for another week and, like John (they are exactly the same age) a bit of a Luddite when it comes to computers. There's no way we could all fit on the floor of our office/studio but we fit quite nicely on the living room floor. I don't know how well Maggie (the teacher) could see us, but it certainly added a new and entertaining dimension to Zoom classes. Spike remained at his post by the couch behind us and took in the proceedings without interfering.

I still prefer mat classes, even Zoom ones, to reformer classes in the Pilates studio....

Gustavo and Co are coming tomorrow to move Rock up the stairs. I cleared a spot for him and separated a succulent from its 'mother' and am rooting it in a pot destined for the rock garden.

From the sounds emanating from driveway next door, I'm guessing that the flooring is being laid. I've opened the bedroom door to let the warmth of the sun in. There is also a surprising amount of traffic noise from Los Alamos Rd. above us. Who said living in the country would be quiet? The house is well enough insulated that when the door is closed both the heat of the sun and the noise of the traffic are greatly reduced....


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