Has Potential

A lot of houses in Mourão, and elsewhere in Portugal, especially in the Alentejo, have been left to fall apart, and must admit, I find it quite depressing. But the brilliant thing is that, in Mourão at least, a lot of them are being done up and lived in again. The pandemic was great for that, as folk fled Lisbon and realised they could work online, and that it was a lot cheaper to live in the rural areas, as well as less stressful. A lot of folk do a lot of commuting, though.

We met Sr Américo in Morango Bar, and he took us to see a huge house, made up of three different properties, that he´s bought and is doing up. He has the know-how and the wealth to be able to do it properly, and it's not for him to live in, so no great rush.

This tiny house was across the street from his property. He said he´d love to do it up as well; he's already done a similar one, which is now rented out.

- prayer walking/driving again with Mireille and Dan, ending in Morango Bar with a coffee and a tuna toastie
- meeting Américo (who helped us buy our property) and Ana Bravo 
- Cecílio and Ermelinda arriving in a bit for supper; haven´t had a good catch-up since I came back from England

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