Journey Through Time

By Sue

Bee a Honey....

...and pollinate our flowers, won't you? This busy bee is very happy our white azaleas are in full bloom.

We don't have central A/C and boy do I regret that we didn't figure out how to do that when we had our house built, but we didn't and that's that. We do have a portable window A/C and Bill put that in the window after he got home from work today. It was 85 outside and 84 inside today. I went and bought two fans today as one of our fans had bought the farm last fall, and the other is old as the hills and rattles and is very loud on the highest setting. So, I got a new box fan, which isn't the best fan in the world, but they do work okay when you put them in windows to help take the hot air out of the house. It's much quieter than our old box fan. And then a regular table fan, which we put in front of the A/C unit to help spread the cool air out and about better. I won't be in on my computer tonight as it is too warm to stay in this room. Believe it or not, it's not the record high for the day as this early heat wave has happened before. But, as far as I am's hot enough, thank you very much.

Hope all is well....

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