Oscar's jumper

A good drive down to Chris's this morning. It was really busy on the roads as there was another train strike. I was held up in Stoke for road works so 2 lanes into 1. I always wish drivers would filter in one for one but it never happens and there is always a queue as cars sail past and push in. 
An awful sight on the road was at a lay by where a mini bus had pulled up and all the men had got out and stood in a line relieving themselves in full view of the road.  What happened to going in the bushes etc?
Oscar went bananas when he saw me and wouldn't leave me alone for a while. We tried the jumper on him and I now know how to finish it, my job for tonight. We had a lovely canal walk with Julie and Kenni. It has been a beautiful autumnal day just like it was in 1994 on my wedding day. 

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