
By SeeingGodInAll

Dawn lone fisherman

“I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in your words.”
‭‭Psalm‬ 119v 47
Much as I loved the Yorkshire Dales, it was wonderful to walk on the beach at dawn once more. I chose this verse today as a strange sadness came over me. This was not helped by meeting up with an old windsurfing friend who despite my pleas, ranted on about politics. And in everything I was wrong. We haven’t met up for six months and I realised why. Came away exhausted. Anyhow, after lunch at home, I restored peace in my soul by taking myself walking in West Dean Gardens and quietly journalling on a bench overlooking the beautiful fields.
“ I was thinking, how as one gets older, we are tempted to sadness, knowing life as it is in here on Earth, suffering, the cross. And how we must overcome it daily, growing in love, and the joy which goes with loving“ Dorothy Day

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