
By antipodean

Fondue for you

I unearthed this awesomely 70s fondue pot in our pantry today. Not sure how we acquired it, I'm pretty sure it was Dad's but he seemed to think not. Either way, it's an awesome find!

What a day! I went to the gym for the first time in a week, which was a bit tough. Afterwards I dropped in at Henry's to deliver a cupcake because he was having uni stresses. We sat in his garden and drank tea and talked baking, Doctor Who, science and politics. Such a nice way to spend an hour!

Pretty much as soon as I'd finished lunch Dad and I embarked on an epic pantry cleaning mission. It was long overdue, and much as I hate wasting food a lot needed to be thrown out. I think some stuff had actually come with us from the old house. Once we'd established what we had and where we wanted to put it, we went and bought a new set of canisters and a few small containers as ours were getting too old. We need to do a tupperware overhaul at some point as well, but that's for another day...

I'm basically exhausted now so I'm settled on the sofa with a cider while Dad makes dinner. I'm pretty proud of our efforts today - our pantry is perfectly organised and I know where everything is. If only my room was that tidy!

Behold, the most awesome fondue pot ever! I love stuff like this, stuff that's so cheesy it's actually become cool again. I can't wait to get some fondue action going with my friends at some point!

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