
A legendary Santa Fe restaurant where we’ve been many times together both as a couple and with the boys.  It’s also been a destination for Vikram for decades.  It serves the very particular New Mexican cuisine which is of coures heavily influenced by Mexican but has many distinctive features.    I had a good Margarita and a plate of pulled pork ‘tibil’ with corn tortillas.   

We had had breakfast with Susan and Ben in Durians - a drug store with a cafe counter that’s spread out into a room.  Quite basic but delicious.  we said our goodbyes and set off on the short drive to Santé Fe where we are staying with Vi’s other old friends, Charlene and Joe.   Because she is the Emeritus director of the folk museum we went up there to see some giant puppets and dancing and visited an exhibition within the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture   It was of pottery chosen from the collection by Native American curators and artists with short testimony as to what it meant to them. Personal and touching.   I bought a couple of Zuni fetishes from the gift shop which were very charming.  

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