Little gymnasts

Well the wildlings have had a great day. Mr R  took a couple of hours off work so that he could come and join us at our PIN  event . I needed him for Carson.  I did have to explain to Mr R to let the jedi explore and climb to his hearts content and to not be a helicopter parent . He's not as laid back as I am. I intervene if there is danger. The wildlings had a fantastic time jumping,  swinging,  tumbling,  running around.  Every parents dream to tire their children out ;). 

Then this afternoon ( see my extras ) , we decided to use the fidget poppets to make chocolate sticks. Harp had seen a video on kids YouTube and had been dying to make them. So I promised we would.  It's a great activity for teamwork and for pincer grip. Load the poppets with smarties or m+ms and then fill them with melted chocolate.  Bung it in the fridge and Bob's your uncle. A tasty treat. And they all enjoyed licking the spoon. 

My doctor has not long called me back and has said that I need to call Glasgow and let them know before my doctor will consider seeing me. Mr R agrees I should call but I don't want him taking anymore time off work if we have to go to Glasgow.  I've ordered more meds for the meantime. It's the whole no sleeping for more than 3 hours that's killing me. That and the pain at night. I can cope with the day pain. 

I'm late to the game but my mil has got me to watch bloodlands ( bbc I player). Its brilliant.  Because I don't sleep I'm on the last episode.  I totally recommend it. 

I managed to catch up with my neighbour last night while the wildlings were in bed. She is a retired nurse and Xander had chosen flower's for her. Her husband has parkinsons which started 2 years ago and it took forever for the local health care to get involved.  He collapsed on Thursday night, I didn't know how serious it was until last night. She had told me they found a blood clot on his lung which was a result of him having covod a few weeks ago, but she had to give him cpr , her nurse instincts kicked in big time. I'm glad we had a good chat, like my mil it's a traumatic experience for the person it's happened too, but I think it's worse for the person that has seen that. Like my fil, to see a loved one suddenly take ill like that. She knows we're here if she needs us and I've told her about our local carers centre and how they arrange coffee days etc for Carers. I do live in a lovely neighbourhood and everyone is close too each other.  

I'm now cleaning up the wildlings dinner and will start to prepare mine and Mr R's . We're having chilli. 

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