Eileen's Rose

A fairly breezy day, showers throughout, drier tonight, but mist hanging around places.

A morning around the house, before heading for a late shift in the airport.  A fairly busy day of passengers, and various delays due to weather conditions here and south, with a late finish.  I did a spell on check-in, mostly meeting and boarding flights.  Finally home, feet up and telly on.  Moving around at work fairly helped my trapped nerves today.

Eileen's roses have finally started to flower this year, they didn't during the summer.  I got this rose plant from my cousin Eileen (Mullay) a couple of years ago.  She had it in her polycrub (a Shetland greenhouse), so it has taken a time to settle to life outdoors, but strange how it's taken this long to flower this year.  It is a lovely to see bloom in front of my sitting room window.  It seems to be handling the winds well, with a second rose about to bloom.  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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