An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Emergency flower blip...


Had a very restless night going between roasting hot and freezing cold, constantly coughing (resulting in very painful ribs) and flaking out.  Poor D slept on the sofa in the living room as all spare rooms are taken! 

I messaged S before going to bed last night to say they hadn't to think about going home till they felt better and she could face the journey and she message back saying she felt a bit better and they would go home today.

I made it to the shower and downstairs before S & L and the girls headed off.  S and Faith certainly looked a lot better.  L and Anna looked miserable. By the time they left poor Anna was in floods of tears saying she didn't want to go home.  Wee scone :-(

After they'd gone I settled in my chair and started a new book but had to put it down after a couple of pages as even my eyeballs were sore.  Fell asleep and that was me for the rest of the day.  

S messaged me to say they were safely home.  Anna cried herself to sleep in the car then cried once they were home.  Apparently Faith was matter of fact at not being able to give David a hug before she left (to avoid spreading bugs. I didn't get a mention but know I could never compete with her hero) and when her mum asked her why she didn't mind missing out on a goodbye hug she replied "because we're going back next week and I can hug him then."   Oh dear, someone's in for a disappointment!

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