Marsupium Photography

By magi

reformed queue

A day of touristic activities in Berlin. We started off with a visit to KaDeWe the premier temple of consumption in Berlin. We stopped on the top floor for a drink with great views. Next stop was the Gedächtniskirche. Onwards via the main train station, past the Charité in Mitte to the Wall Panorama (see extra) by Yadegar Asisi. The artist fled Iran as a child and grew up in East Germany. In the late seventies he moved to West Berlin (as a refugee he was able to leave the East) where he lived in Kreuzberg with a view of Wall. His panorama depicts his impressions from the 80ies. The exhibition also includes an interview with the artist which was super interesting. He said he had a good childhood in the East. Coming to the West he said everything was colourful but people were grey whereas in the East everything was grey but people colourful. He noted that people were used to the Wall, they stopped noticing it, it just was. All very apt questions now as well. Today, people queue again at Checkpoint Charlie, not to cross the deadly border that divided the country but to take photos. I think we need to regularly examine what we consider normal and demand change.

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