Standing Tall

These very tiny flowers grow in a small bunch at the end of a very very long stem. Most of them had gone to seed and looked terrible, so I cut them way back, but this one stem looked good, so it got its photo taken. I was glad the rain waited while I worked in the garden. It is raining now; Ellie needs to get ready for ballet soon.

Ellie and I bought sugar cookies after school because she wants to take them to school tomorrow for her birthday celebration with her school friends..but her birthday isn't until October 30th, when we will be celebrating with family. Unfortunately, we forgot that my grandson was coming over during his lunch hour at work...when Ellie realized we missed him, she cried big crocodile tears and couldn't stop...she was so sad and said, "It was all my fault; I wish I didn't ask to look at the toys!" When I said that, we both forgot she cried even harder. Oh was a disaster until I suggested she put on her boots and we would jump in rain puddles....suddenly all was well in her life! Miracle!

Now we are off to ballet classes. 


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