
By ruthie1

Biking bank holiday

We decided today that we would ride along the cycle track from St. Ives to Cambridge, something we haven't done before. I hardly ever get my bike out but thought it would be nice to do something different.
We didn't quite make it into Cambridge as I was so uncomfortable on my bike (let's just say the seat could do with a bit more padding!)
However, we did cycle nearly 20 miles in total, which I was quite happy with.
We then wandered around the St. Ives market, ate an ice-cream by the river and people watched for a while. In fact, I'm surprised we didn't bump into Martin; After having just read his blip it seems we have had very similar days :-)

I then popped in to Sarah's for an hour to say hi and get my baby fix.
I should have been doing work for school tomorrow but just couldn't face being inside on the computer when the weather is so nice.
Better make a start now!

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